Nice to start blogging again. It's been a 2 weeks break since I blogged in my last address. For those who are curious to know what's the previous one, well, it's not hard to find if you know me well. There are a few who found it already.
Alright time to reflect a bit of my life. Let's just concentrate on my first year in NUS.
I've blogged a bit on that in my old blog, guess I'll just repeat a few of what I wrote earlier.
1. Kent Ridge
I've to say it's a truly engaging experience. In fact, it's an understatement for what I've experienced in my short stay in KR. I teared, laughed, cried, starved, sweat and even bled during the short 1st year in KR. I can only say one has to participate in the activities of Hall then he/she can really taste what it feels to be a student! Of course, all is not that rosy for a student staying in Hall, I had my fair share of struggles and mood swings in KR too. Mistakes that are committed and feelings that are hurt. I truly regretted making those and I hope whoever were affected by my very presence in hall can forgive me. But at the end of the day, I guess I had more fun than unhappiness. Which is why I miss Hall quite a bit now! Especially IBG! They better do not scrap away the IBG idea man, if not I am going to quit KR for good.
AH~ without E block, Hall life would be meaningless as well. Guess it's man-made destiny that I ended up in a sports block in KR. (courtesy of tootall). To think that I wanted out of E block on my first day, reason being I've no friends with me in E block! But look at it now, I've made so many crazy and lame friends, people like Ron - the lame prof., Wilson - the qing sheng, Teckie - the "bo jio" kia, tootall - the F*** lah tall freak, Mr Teo - the tsk king and the forever "disappointed in me" senior, Porno - what the hell is wrong with this guy, Keith - the local Zidane!, Ken Da MAN - my best neighbour and the hantu ah gua Mingui - best"est" neighbour! (Just to name a few !!!) I truly enjoyed and love everyone of them in E block! (oops guess I just missed out on block head Mr Yeoh!) Ok, getting mushy already, time to stop on this. Anyway, E block ICHIBAN!
2. Studies
Well, guess it's not that smooth for me. First sem got a cap of 3.52. I was complacent with some modules but worked resonably hard for others. I admit I expected better grades but I couldn't complain much but to lick my own wounds. Second sem, the killer. I was totally devastated when I saw the results. Not that I expected to score better than first sem, but there are a few modules which I thought I would do well know the results. Well well, I just got to keep my heads down and work and mug and be a CHAO MUGGER (not CB ah ;p)
3. Love
I just got to say, it's not been a easy journey. I've hurt a few people along the way in my search for my true feelings. I am really sorry about it. I don't hope they forgive me but just thankful that they were once in my life, mending my broken heart. Thank you.
And of course thank you Dear, for tolerating my nonsense and lack of self belieft all this know best! Thank you!
Hmm...what else to reflect?
4. Family
Guess I'm still treating my family members the same, despite my parents are like ageing! I must do more than what I am. I must not live to regrets. Remember you peepz, DO NOT LIVE TO REGRETS! It's a horrible feeling you adults should know! don't bother, you peepz still young punks~!
好啦好啦 think I am writting a bit way too much...fingers also tired la! Btw I just lied to my gF that I was going to sleep just now! But I was really sleepy just now Dear! Just that I couldn't sleep mahz! =D
Okay~ below is a super bo liao + sensitive + lame + racist or religion "ist" whatever you call it story.
Do you know that Jesus's God and the Muslim Alah are good friends? Do not know why?
Long time ago, way before you and me were born. God and Alah made an agreement. They sat down in front of the grandmaster ALIEN to sign a treaty. The Alien told them that they will be assigned to the planet Earth to oversee the growth of human beings. And as the guardian of the people, the two of them are to look after the planet's resources also. So when it comes to dividing between lands that are fertile and lands that contains oil, the Alien asked who wants what.
Alah responded: " A...A...A...Abang, Give me the oil lands, my people are lazy lah brother, just give them oil then they can just relac one korner~ "
Without any objection from God, Alien assigned Alah the lands of oil. Thus, God will oversee the lands of fertile. Being a more hardworking breed, the People who worship God translate God's words into many different languages and spread the belief to many other people all over the planet Earth and soon they are able to harness the best plot of fertile lands available and educate the people.
On other hand, the people of Alah are so lazy that they always relax one corner that they can't be bothered to spread their beliefs through different languages but muslim and thus only their own kind (mostly) believe in their Alah. They live on the money collected from selling the oil and spend it on poor people to carry bomb whenever they are unhappy with the rest of the world.
And so in today's world, you see the great distinction in muslim countries having all the oil resources and the rest of the world at the mercy of their unhappiness.
Disclaimer: The above story is meant for entertainment only. I deeply regret for any unhappiness and offense caused to any party.
Anyway, I think it's not that funny hor? okok will improve on it next time...hey really no offense to anyone or any religion hor? don't like that lah, my first post leh!
Ok, one more racist joke?
Qn: How to make a malay tired?
still don't know???
continue scrolling down....
I plan to make this blog a superb long debut blog....
guess some of you got the answer already....
yesh!!! you are right!!!
the answer is.....
Ans: Put the malay in a round room!!!
don't get it????
still don't get it????
slow or what?!!!!
Ok lah! tell you lah....
that's because then the malay cannot relac one korner!
that's all folks!
yes...hantu? =D
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