Thursday, November 17, 2005

talking COCK

Looking for study break entertainment? You have just come to the right blog! To re-emphasize my blog name! I shall talk about COCK! Yes~ Not the cock and bull story, but COCK! Man's reproductive organ! (or pee-ing organ)

Below are some photos of how some Japanese WORSHIP COCKS! Wahaha as incredibly as it sounds, the Japs really do such stuffs! It's called Hounen Matsuri Festival (pronounced "hoe-nen matt-sury")"bountiful year" festival, otherwise known as the "fertility festival"..

Enjoy peepz~

Check out that flag!

What are they holding?!?!

If you think hugging a COCK is not enough......

Put it on the NOSE! Ewww

Now, even the kid gets to touch "it" =P


At 2:24 AM, Blogger jL-yZ said...

Hmm..the penis on the nose reminded me of european gigolo! wahaha


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