Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sore Loser

I am a sore loser!

Just came back from Baby's place. Played tennis with Baby and her siblings in the morning. Had great fun laughing at Baby and her bro. Other than getting tired from all the ball picking, it was a great morning! Oh ya, back to why I am a sore loser. Although I sort of had a advantage over the two of them by maybe having better sports genes but Baby, being my gf has all the intelligence to pick up the sports. After a few sparings, she returned back a few good shots which totally defeated me to it. Argh! Yes, I should feel happy for her right? Yes I was. But I was pissed too! Not because she picked up the sports fast but it was because the shots were made against me! And I hate to lose whenever there's competition. Ok, case 1.

Before I left, had a game of ps2 with her bro. Played this underground wrestling game, first time playing. Yes, I sort of beat his bro's character in the game but couldn't finished him, as the game required you to come out with some "final" moves to end the person's life. And so I was defeated by her bro, who had already played the game more times than me. Well done right. Yes, again I wasn't pissed with her bro or what. Just hate to lose!!! So I tried to play against the COM. Again, I hit the COM till there's no life left but just couldn't finished off the DAMN bloody COM! Defeated the second time. I was super frustrated by the whole game that I got really crazy and mad. (PMS, you can put it). Luckily, there was Baby beside me who cooled me down. Haha~

I am pure crazy whenever I am defeated. Just ask Ron, Hon, Huan who shared a few moments of craziness on court during last year's IBG and IHG. There was also the Singapore's Tiger Cup, which I totally frightened Ron. Haa~

Will be going for KR Pre-camp tomorrow, or rather SWOC (Senior Welcome Orientation Camp) as what they call it this year. Hope it's going to be fun man. Especially when there are only like 5 seniors from E block attending, I really hope I can have fun. Even if I don't, I know come next sem's IBG, I would enjoy myself to the MAX!

Enjoy my lovely Sunday!

Alright, just some lame joke, think it's copyright from Silvia.

Qn: 老鼠爱身上的那一个部位?

Ans: TUMMY! Why?

Too bad if you don't know the song or chinese =D

Here's the irritating 老鼠爱大米 lyrics...comes with some english translation...but don't think it's an accurate translation...

Here goes...

歌词:老鼠爱大米 Lyrics: Like Mice Love Rice
歌手: 杨臣刚 专辑: 老鼠爱大米 Artist: Yang Chengang; Edition: Like Mice Love Rice
我听见你的声音 When I hear your voice
有种特别的感觉 I get a special kind of feeling,
让我不断想不敢再忘记你 It makes me continually think that I don't dare forget you again.
我记得有一个人 I'll always remember that there's a person
永远留在我心中 Who will stay in my heart forever,
哪怕只能够这样的想你 Even if I can only long for you this way.
如果真的有一天 But if there really comes a day
爱情理想会实现 When this love becomes a reality,
我会加倍努力好好对你永远不改变 I will redouble my efforts to be true to you.
不管路有多么远 No matter how long the road
一定会让它实现 I will surely make this love come true.
我会亲亲在你耳边对你说(对你说) I'll gently kiss your ear, and say to you,我爱你爱着你 "I love you, I'm loving you
就像 老鼠爱大米 Just like mice love rice.
不管有多少风雨我都会依然陪着你 No matter how many difficulties may come, I will still accompany you.
我想你想着你 I miss you, I'm missing you,
不管有多么的苦 No matter how bitter the way
只要能让你开心我什么都愿意 I'm willing to do anything to make you happy.
这样爱你 That's the way I'll love you."

And it repeats a significant portion again.

Haha...I can sense all of you have skipped past that one whole chunk of irritating lyrics of that stupid song. Have fun peepz.

That's all folks, till I come back from camp!


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