Friday, August 05, 2005


Ok, I think I am really siao on with the rag rush. But as I was sharing with my thoughts to fellow block mates just now. If it wasn't for mingui and kendrick and other friends in the RAG team, I wouldn't be working so late for RAG. Hantu was saying we are 60 percent near full completion for the that a good news or bad? I mean with barely a day left and 60 percent done...

Like what I have learnt in SA...let's pray...

jL is still stucked at Engin. Quite worried about her, but she is always so strong and independant. Shall just wait for her return in my room.

It has been a really hectic two weeks. And class is starting next week! Argh!

How I wish I can go for another short trip overseas before the next phase of fights. Is that possible?

No mood to lame... but just thought of some phrase...

" Every individual is a miracle by himself, together we can create BIG miracles! "

cliche~? whatever...just some sudden crazy inspired phrase.


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