Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Yesh! 6 OVERs for 6 finished modules for this semester! Yet another semester has passed and I survived or had I? Class and Exams are over but the results are not out yet...and I am trying to be positive.

Declared phantom at the start of the semester. I've dropped many things I wished to experience, for example, block head, JCRC and maybe some other things in hall. Yow was telling me not to regret my choice and to really work towards my goals. I hope I didn't. As of now, I didn't. I feel that Ron is really doing a good job if not a great one. Of course there is still room for improvement but ya there's always one. Other than that, I don't think I would be able to manage so many things with the amount of studies I need to do, not to say the difficulty of those blardy 3 MCs Engin Modules. Oh well, it's been a good semester for me. I would really like to thank my Hall friends for showing support to me and understanding my concern. Janice, Ron, Wilson, Yow, Mingui (think it's the first time I actually typed out your name) and Kendrick (yes full name again! :P) , THANK YOU ALL!!!

Baby you are not forgotten!

So let me brag to all of you what my Dearest Baby did for me during exams. She gave me encouragements, listened to me whine, withstanding my nonsenses, made drinks for me, sayang me, bought lunch and supper for me and lastly CLEANED MY ROOM for mE!!! Yes, I am going to get flamed by all of you. HOW COULD I LET MY GF CLEAN MY ROOM?!?!! That's just how good my Baby is and how pampered and spoilt I am by her already :D THANK YOU BABY! I LOVE YOU!!!

Ok, I've experienced some pretty funny encounters during the whole exams period. More like things that happened before every single papers.


Before: Nothing happened. Added in for the sake of discussion below :P
Results: Ok lah. Arts module leh...


Before: Saw someone that I shouldn't see or didn't want to see. The person got a new haircut...but ...
Results: I had a super BUANG paper. Praying not to dapao now...


Before: Had a superb DREAM. :)
Results: Not bad paper. At least I could do all questions.


Before: Got locked of my KR HALL room. First time! Paid $2 to regain entry. DiU~
Results: Still ok lah. Could do most of the questions


Before: My fighting fish died!!! Poor fish. Think it's my fault that it died...I am sorry fishy fishy...
Results: Could not do 1.5 questions. Hoping for the best

Many first time encounters during the whole exams period. Not a bad way to prepare for the papers.

Alright, guess I should end it off here. Gonna get some rest and play...haha not really in the mood to blog anyway. Anyway, BRO, my heart goes with you. I hope you didn't regret your choice. It's been a once in a lifetime experience for many and as what you told some of us before, some things can always find a new and better one. See you back soon ya. ENJOY YOURSELF!!!

Last of all. I LOVE MY BABY, JUNLI!


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