Sunday, July 30, 2006

Human Nature

I guess the old saying is right "You will only treasure someone when you lose him/her..."

Don't worry, all my loved ones are still in great health! =)

I'm just feeling a sense of loss right now for not going JB with B...

After yesterday night's meeting, E blk is sort of in a seniors crisis, apparently quite a number of seniors who are supposed to be present for today's freshie checking-in are not able to make it, in another words..PSK. Knowing the toughness of this very first day from my previous year experience, I gave up going JB with B...even though she understand the reason, I can still feel her disappointment.

Although we have been together for such long time, but I still miss her terribly when she's not around with me for today. I can sense her boredom and sian-ness without me through her SMS....I feel such a sense of loss.

To make things worse, there are in fact enough seniors for today's freshie turnout, as most of the freshies came in wave and thus for easier allocation of seniors. At least, I didn't think my presence was greatly felt. Of course, I have to thank Alvin Lin (PSK, yes even though he's not staying anymore, he came to our rescue when I requested for his help yesterday. Thank you mate, you were great!) and Baolai, another junior of mine who is a new senior this year, yet came down to lend a helping hand to the freshie, even though he's as new as them to KR. Thank You dudes.

Just heard that this year's IBG is back to the old system, no seniors cap, no combined block shi*t. Sadly, I can't participate in it as a player anymore, no more handball, basketball, soccer (in the dark horse team), freesbie, volleyball...sighz...

"Sense of loss" is the correct phrase...I've no motivation to stay in hall other than to spend the semester with my final year friends like Yow and Kendrick and maybe Ron as well as Janice if they are not going to year 4. Of course, I always have my lovely Baby to enjoy the semester away.

Hall was supposed to give me an opportunity to glorify in sports...but looks like I've no such chance anymore, at least not this semester...

Not in a good mood...feeling a great sense of loss...


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