Saturday, October 15, 2005

Officially Sick in Hall

For the first time in my 1 year plus stay in kR, I am sick! Down with flu and sorethroat. jL took care of me in the afternoon, making sure I was properly hydrated and slept well before she went back home to take care of her siblings. She wanted to drop by tomorrow morning (I mean later) to make sure I am ok and stuffs but I declined. Maybe it's the way I put it across to her, I can feel she's quite demoralised by my response. Sighz~ I really got to watch what and how I say things. After reading so much on Interpersonal Communication through my GEK, I am still committing such communication mistakes.

Replied to a block mail earlier on. Didn't want to react to what one of the year 1s wrote, as I thought the person was just joining the fun of the topic and joking as well. But as the day goes by, I felt that the mail seemed to affect quite a few people. Thus I wrote a block mail with reference to that, which seemed to backfired as quite truly that person knew the truth of the topic discussed all along. Felt DUH and stupid. But well...another miscommunication on my part...


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