GEK 1006
GEK 1006. This got to be one of the slackest modules that I've taken so far in NUS. In fact I think it's going to be the slackest of all in my 4 years study. I doubt I would be having such an easy module again. But be warned. Having said that it's the slackest doesn't mean it's easy to score. So please people! DO NOT QUOTE ME SAYING GEK 1006 IS EASY TO SCORE. I don't think it's going to be that easy. With 3 case studies to analyse and 1 essay to is it going to be easy for this poor engineering student here?!
Oh well, at least I had great fun taking this module. Learned more about communication and realised that I am in fact a lousy communicator and listener. I've plenty to learn manz~
The lecturer is "entertaining" He never failed to make me laugh with his favourite quotes such as "do not run people down" "you will run into trouble" ~ He would say those stuffs for like a hundred times per lecture!
My tutorial class(photo below) was superb too! There's no tutorial to prepare and it's not graded. Basically, you just go there to have fun. People may argued why bother to go when it's not graded? I can tell you that I attended the class for the fun and "de-stress" purpose of it! It's really fun to be with crappy people like Guoyang, this year 4 Mech Engin guy and the Lecturer, Dr. Vasoo. Of course there are also...some....wannabes like YS(shall not spell out the full name, just in case he read my blog) who is forever irritating some of us.
GEK 1006 (slackest module of my semester!)
Just almost done with my tutorial of 21 questions~! Glad to see that jL is getting better...although she's falling ill with flu and sorethroat but it's good to at least see that she's no longer suffering from the stupid itchy hives. I hope I have provided enough comfort and help instead of woes for her. Alright, back to FLUIDS~ Yucks~
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