Saturday, October 29, 2005


I have this fear...

this fear of having a brain freeze on the day of exams again. No matter how much I study these days, this fear keep surfacing. Maybe I no longer know how to study or maybe I no longer have the exams smartness or luck. Many victors claim luck comes with preparation...but I think preparation is a very general term...I can say I was prepared last year...but still...

Oh well...I just wish I can pull up that bloody low cap score in these two sems and hopefully get a place for SEP...I need to see the world...I need a break from NUS...

Many have asked if I am staying on in KR after sem2 next year...

Like what I was telling jL, I guess I am more or less fixed on going back home...I miss my room, I miss being spoilt, I miss my daily dosage of PS2...most importantly my parents are getting old...I am the youngest in the family and my Brother is 30+ so ya you people can rougly guess what's my parents age...

Now, I have another fear...

I fear that jL is allergic to me...sounds silly but I really think she is...literally allergic to me. Baby, hope you are feeling better. I am sorry I can't share the itch with you...please endure it will be over soon!

Please heaven...please do not ill treat my Baby girl anymore...


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