Sunday, January 08, 2006

First Organised Event

Tonight will mark the last night of this short 5 weeks holidays. I really dread the feeling of waking up for lessons again but I guess that's the life of students ya? It's discipline. I always believe that education is not just about results, the discipline to wake up for lessons(even if you sleep during them) is something that is learned since primary school. Imagine the scenario of you stepping into the working world next time and lack this discipline of waking up? I don't think the employer will let you go as easily as the teachers do in school ya?

Yesterday night we had a Semester Start BBQ. It's sort of organised by me, of course with the help of my dear block head Mr Ron Koh. I thought of having one a week ago, considering that it's a nice thing to have before the start of a hell semester and also I've never come up with anything for my brothers and some of the people I respect in Hall. Brothers - WilZ, Ron and JaNICE (Sister) are part of Brotherhood, the respected lots - Hon(never come!), Tootall, Yow, Ken, Hantu (although you didn't eat but glad that you came) and Jieming(the only non-Eguana :P) were invited. I must say the weather is great for BBQing, even though it's drizzling. The food was SUPERB I thought. All of us had the most filling BBQ we ever had, at least for me! The evening was topped it up by some cool chilled beers and nice mixtures of alcohol. (just maybe lack the wine!) I guess this event will be the first and maybe the last that I would organise before I leave KR for other endeavours in my education.

I was just reading Yow's blog a while ago. He mentioned of the gains and pains KR has given to him. KR has given me plenty of pains and gains too. I must say I learned quite a fair bit from people like Hon, Tootall, Yow, Ken and Hantu. Yes, this is not the first time that I am paying tribute to these seniors but I guess my hall stay is all about them and my brothers. It's hard to let go of things that you once cherish but somehow the passion for me to stay in hall has faded. There are still many things in KR that disgust me, especially people. I am somehow who either fight it out or choose to leave. One of the reasons for me leaving the MLM company few years ago was because of a friend's betrayal and this time round, it's more of the management of KR. Don't ask me to justify my claims, it's just my feelings. There's not much warmth since the departure of the ex-6ers. The aquarium area has now become a tiny holy ground for the HK and many of the so called holy people only care about their clique. Yes, I agree maybe they will think the same about us, so let's say it's an unhealthy situation that's happening. "Hi-Byes", more of an akwardness gestures and for manners seek rather than warmth shown towards each other. As for those in power, seems that cowardness and biasness have all made them changed. For that I shall not say much as I am not clear of the situation. In anycase, I didn't really like him in the first place. The chemical has spoiled his brain ;)

I will...I know I will miss this place. I will miss the convenience, I will miss the independence, I will miss my friends, I will miss shouting and disturbing my neighbours and I will miss tearing for people and events that touch me. I will miss KR.

The new Semester starts tomorrow and may well be my last semester here, feeling nostalgic but guess that's normal...


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