Sunday, July 30, 2006

Human Nature

I guess the old saying is right "You will only treasure someone when you lose him/her..."

Don't worry, all my loved ones are still in great health! =)

I'm just feeling a sense of loss right now for not going JB with B...

After yesterday night's meeting, E blk is sort of in a seniors crisis, apparently quite a number of seniors who are supposed to be present for today's freshie checking-in are not able to make it, in another words..PSK. Knowing the toughness of this very first day from my previous year experience, I gave up going JB with B...even though she understand the reason, I can still feel her disappointment.

Although we have been together for such long time, but I still miss her terribly when she's not around with me for today. I can sense her boredom and sian-ness without me through her SMS....I feel such a sense of loss.

To make things worse, there are in fact enough seniors for today's freshie turnout, as most of the freshies came in wave and thus for easier allocation of seniors. At least, I didn't think my presence was greatly felt. Of course, I have to thank Alvin Lin (PSK, yes even though he's not staying anymore, he came to our rescue when I requested for his help yesterday. Thank you mate, you were great!) and Baolai, another junior of mine who is a new senior this year, yet came down to lend a helping hand to the freshie, even though he's as new as them to KR. Thank You dudes.

Just heard that this year's IBG is back to the old system, no seniors cap, no combined block shi*t. Sadly, I can't participate in it as a player anymore, no more handball, basketball, soccer (in the dark horse team), freesbie, volleyball...sighz...

"Sense of loss" is the correct phrase...I've no motivation to stay in hall other than to spend the semester with my final year friends like Yow and Kendrick and maybe Ron as well as Janice if they are not going to year 4. Of course, I always have my lovely Baby to enjoy the semester away.

Hall was supposed to give me an opportunity to glorify in sports...but looks like I've no such chance anymore, at least not this semester...

Not in a good mood...feeling a great sense of loss...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Most Commented Clip!

The Most Commented Clip of all my Youtube Videos!

Just check out how much these Americans hate terrorists...dun we all hate them? =D

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hardo Gay Young Man! HoooOo!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Simple Riddle!

Ok, the last one has been solved by gameboy! (go figure out who this person is...riddle!)

Now for something really easy...

Before Mt. Everest was discovered,
what was the tallest mountain in the world?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Riddle! 2

Ok, congrats to weishiong for solving the first riddle!

Another easy one for all of you =) Remember to answer in the comments page and not the tagboard or MSN! Cheers~


3 Men - one tall, one short, one blind - are on a death row. The executioner wants to play a game with them,

"I have 5 small hats - 3 black and 2 white. From the 5 hats, i'll choose 3 to put on each of your heads. If anyone can guess correctly the colour of his own hat, i'll set all 3 of you free. If anyone guesses wrongly, i'll immediately kill all 3 of you. You can choose not to guess and pass the chance."

So he blindfolded all 3 of them, and went on to place the hats on their heads. He then called the tall man out, and took off his blindfold. The tall man looked at the hats of the short and blind men, then said,"I cannot say for sure my own color. I'll pass."

Next up was the short man. His blindfold was taken off, he looked at the hats of the tall and blind man, and said,"I'm sorry brothers...I also can't tell. I'll pass"

Next up was the blind man. The executioner laughed at him,"You can't even see, how are you going to guess correctly?"
The blind man confidently said,"Even though I am blind, I can tell you for sure the colour of my own hat."

And he was right.


1) All 3 men are smart
2) It's impossible to see your own hat

The Llama Song!

I can foresee this being a hit like LAO SHU AI DA MI...MAI YA HEE...MACARENA...etc!!!

Haha~ All courtesy of jL's sista!

Llama Llama Duck lyrics

here's a llama
there's a llama
and another little llama
fuzzy llama
funny llama
llama llama

llama llama
llama llama
llama llama

i was once a treehouse
i lived in a cake
but i never saw the way
the orange slayed the rake
i was only three years dead
but it told a tale
and now listen, little child
to the safety rail

did you ever see a llama
kiss a llama
on the llama
llama's llama
tastes of llama
llama llama

half a llama
twice the llama
not a llama
llama in a car
alarm a llama

is THIS how it's told now?
is it all so old?
is it made of lemon juice?
now my song is getting thin
i've run out of luck
time for me to retire now
and become a duck

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Ok folks, inspired by my friend...from now onwards I shall post riddles for you peepz to try solving them till I ran out of them...

Here goes the first of the series...

A man was walking down the street, when he bumped into his long lost friend.
After the usual how-are-you-i-am-fine bullcrap, the friend asked if the man had any children.

Friend: "Do you have any children?"
Man: "Yes. 3 sons."
Friend: "How old are they?"

Being cheeky, the man refused to tell him outright. So he said...
Man: "If you multiply their ages together, you get 36" (e.g. 9x4x1)
Friend: "Hmm...there are quite a few possibilities."
Man: "If you add their ages together, you get the number of houses opposite the street."

The friend looked across the street, thought for a moment and said...
Friend: "Impossible to tell yet, I need just one more clue."
Man: " eldest son plays the piano."
Friend: "Ahh...I get it now!"

BIG QUESTION: How old are the 3 children? =)

Very Important Assumptions:
1) Age is strictly in years.
2) Eldest son's age is greater than each of the other two sons'.
3) Friend is smart.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Check this out!!! Revenge for Zidane!


Provided to you by the - 100% Free Myspace Games.

Friday, July 07, 2006

KR Night Cycling Trip

Ok, this is long overdue...but here it is the video clip that I took while we took a break at this Bedok Prata shop during last semester night cycling trip...


Check this out ppl! It's super accurate for me =)

ColorQuiz.comI took the free personality test!

"Tries to escape from his problems, difficulties, a..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Check out this "ClOCK" to welcome back the return of italkingcock! =)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm back!!! HoooOooOO!!!


Hello all my dearest friends!

I'm back in action =)

After more than 3 months of absence, I'm finally back from my hiatus! SoooooOo how's everyone!?

Let me update a bit of myself...

Ok, Since the last time I updated my blog...

I had been mugging for the rest of the semester...results? Not too bad, the best of my NUS education so for 2nd Upper? Think it's a foregone conclusion...shall just be humble and continue work and maintain 2nd Lower...and of course prepare for my SEP to Sweden :)

Been back in Blueforce working for the past 2's pretty mundane but at least this time round the workplace is much nearer to my house than my previous 3.

As for my knee injury... I've just consulted NUH specialist last week and the first hand diagnosis by him was that I've a ruptured ACL and damaged meniscus. Just had my physiotherapy yesterday and I must say my hamstring and back are sort of aching at the moment, not to mention a certain pain at the injured knee. I guess it's pretty normal to experience that after a physio session? I dunno...What I'm more worried now is SA"P" side...apparently they can ignore my injury plea and charge me for not clearing my ippt in time and stuffs...just hope that they are kind for once...Pray Hardzzz

Oh ya~ Since I've started blogging again...let me dedicate this entry to my most's a bit late for recording purpose...but

HAPPY 21st My Baby!!! Hope You enjoyed Yourself on that BIG Day of Yours!
Birthday Photo with "E"guanas! Say Say Say!
Thank you all who have came for the party and helped out in one way or another! Appreciate =)
In the meantime, enjoy this video that I took when Ron was dead drunk back in last semester!
Poor Alvin =P

p/s: At the time of post, this video has reached a hit count of 2,700!